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2018 Webinars


High Cholesterol Enters a Genomic Age

The webinar is chaired by Slade Carter, PHE Deputy National Lead for CVD Prevention, with guest speakers Dr Matt Kearney, NHS England National Clinical Director for CVD Prevention, and Professor Steve Humphries, UCL Cardiovascular Genetics.


CVD Prevention Webinar Series: 2018 Heart Age campaign

The webinar was chaired by Professor Jamie Waterall, National Lead for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention & Associate Deputy Chief Nurse, with guest speakers Maddy Durrant, PHE Partnerships Marketing Lead, and Ruth Dale, PHE Regional Marketing Manager, South.

This webinar discusses the launch plans for the 2018 Heart Age campaign, as well as available resources.

NHS Health Check in Pharmacy Settings

The webinar was chaired by Robbie Turner, Director for England Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the guest speakers were Viv Mussell and Heather Frazer from West Sussex Local Authority.


May Measurement Month

The webinar was chaired by Slade Carter, Deputy National Lead, Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Team, PHE, and provides an oversight of May Measurement Month, the global awareness campaign, surrounding the issues of high blood pressure, led by the International Society of Hypertension. 

The guest speaker was Professor Neil Poulter, Professor of Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine at Imperial College London and President of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH).


An update on SNOMED CT in Primary Care: Implications for the NHS Health Check

The webinar was chaired by Slade Carter, Deputy National Lead, Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Team, PHE, and updates on the implementation dates of SNOMED CT, the clinical terminology which will replace Read codes.

Guest speakers include:

Following feedback from end users to not deploy close to financial year-end, SNOMED CT was implemented in phases across primary care from April 2018. 

The first phase of deployment started with approximately 20 pilot sites across all principal supplier systems. Following successful first of type, suppliers will inform practices of their deployment dates and available training. Information on SNOMED CT and the changes to timelines is on the NHS Digital webpages and various materials are available on the NHS Digital resources website.

Webinar by the East of England and West Midlands - Preventing ill health by risk behaviours CQUIN webinar

Chair: Simon How, Public Health England - East of England


Physical health checks for people with psychosis webinar

The webinar chaired by Dr Sri Kalidindi, Consultant Psychiatrist Maudsley NHS and Chair, Faculty of Rehab & Social Psychiatry and provides an insight into providing physical health checks for people with psychosis.

Guest speakers include:

For futher information, please see the Psychosis Data Report published by PHE here and a short film produced by the NEL Foundation Trust and NEL Local Pharmaceutical Committee, thanks to the Health Foundation.

Last reviewed: 24/10/2022